
Onling Giving

Your gift will enable us to answer the call and serve in Micronesia for 2 years! THANK YOU, in advance.

How YOU Can Help us Get to Micronesia and Accomplish God's Plans:

We sincerely appreciate each of you who have partnered with us financially. We cannot serve as AGWM missionaries without your support.

If you would like to partner with us with a monthly contribution, you can make do so (either one-time or monthly) here: Contribute

Our AGWM Account number is: 29A150

If you prefer to fill out a paper commitment form and snail mail or fax the form to AGWM, Here is a partially filled-in form for you to use. Paper Form

Also, here is a LINK that will allow you to complete a commitment form ONLINE with our portion already filled out. NOTE, a commitment form, paper or online, does not make the will need to make that via contribution link above.

Your prayers are ultimately what we covet. We are living in a foreign land, having to learn an entirely new language NOT spoken on the island we're on, and we know that the enemy will do all he can to thwart God's plans to bring healing and hope to the people in Micronesia. We would ask that each of you keep us and this mission in your prayers as often as we come to your minds.